Publié le : 24-04-2023

The 2022 edition of our activity report highlights Agrisud's 30 years in the service of the same mission: "Entrepreneurship against poverty". Our approach, which has been refined over the years, is based on the triptych: Enterprise -...
Publié le : 20-03-2023

On Monday, March 20, the guide "Evaluation of Agroecology" was presented at AFD's offices in Paris and via videoconference. This was an opportunity for the GTAE, the author of this collaborative work, to explain the issues to which the...
Publié le : 23-02-2023

Agrisud, AVSF, Cari and GRET, has published a methodological guide to assess the effects and conditions for the development of agroecology. This book, which is intended for development actors, aims to promote sustainable agriculture on...