Publié le : 15-03-2024

Depuis 2014, Agrisud, le Gret et le Ministère du Commerce co-organisent la Foire agricole de Siem Reap pour soutenir l’agriculture locale et développer des systèmes alimentaires durables dans la Province de Siem Reap.
Publié le : 27-11-2023

In Ivory Coast, Agrisud and its partner the Autonomous District of Abidjan are working together to preserve and develop sustainable agriculture around Abidjan. This "territorial" approach is the subject of Agrisud's latest movie. 
Publié le : 19-10-2023

Agrisud took part in a symposium organized by the IUCN French Committee and AFD on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Drawing on its experience in a number of contexts, including Madagascar, Mozambique, Vietnam and Morocco, Agrisud...