Publié le : 07-02-2025
Type : Projet
Agrisud International and the Fondation Avril signed a framework cooperation agreement on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at the Fondation's offices in Paris. This agreement marks the start of a strategic partnership aimed at strengthening their respective missions in terms of solidarity, territorial revitalization, access to healthy food and the promotion of sustainable agriculture.
Two organizations, one common ambitio
The Fondation Avril and Agrisud International share the same vision: to place men and women at the heart of sustainable development based on solidarity. Committed to a dynamic of cooperation, they rely on the complementarity of their expertise and resources to maximize the impact of their actions. This framework agreement formalizes their commitment to lead concerted initiatives to promote, among other things, sustainable agriculture and access to healthy food.
"It's a partnership that makes sense. Providing long-term support, acting on a key sector - agriculture, working on a territorial scale, with a group of stakeholders" are the fundamental principles outlined by Guillaume Chartier, Chairman of the Fondation Avril, and Joël Lebreton, Chairman of Agrisud International.

A partnership serving local communities
The Fondation Avril, recognized as a public utility since 2014, works to revitalize rural territories and guarantee access to healthy food, particularly in Africa. Agrisud International, active for over 30 years, supports populations in precarious situations by promoting sustainable small-scale farming and preserving natural resources.
The agreement guarantees the autonomy of each organization, while encouraging collaboration based on listening, consultation and the exchange of ideas.
“Faced with today's challenges, it is essential to forge alliances based on dialogue and a shared commitment." Elphège Ghestem-Zahir, Chief Executive Officer of Agrisud International.
The two organizations will collaborate on themes of common interest, such as access to healthy food, adaptation of production systems, training and skills building, as well as the structuring of sustainable value chains. This collaboration can take several forms, including the drafting of analysis documents, planning of joint projects, and participation in programs and co-financing of projects.
In this respect, a concrete collaboration is beginning in Madagascar, focusing on sustainable agriculture and nutrition.
As Jean-Pierre Chaillot, Managing Director of the Fondation Avril, pointed out, “As a Foundation-Action, we do not conceive of any partnership without field projects aimed above all at sustainability."