• Publié le : 11-10-2024

  • Type : Projet

On October 7, Agrisud shared its field experience in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at a round table organized by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. This meeting took place on the sidelines of INBO(1)'s 12th General Assembly in Bordeaux, and was aimed at exchanging views on sustainable water management challenges and solutions in Madagascar. 

International cooperation and sustainable water management in Madagascar 

During INBO's 12th General Assembly, a meeting at the headquarters of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region brought together various stakeholders involved in sustainable water management projects in Madagascar : representatives of public institutions, French and Madagascan local authorities, French water agencies and experts from civil society. 

The round table focused on the resilience of Madagascar's water basins to the pressures of human activity and climate change, and provided an opportunity to discuss a number of initiatives undertaken in the country as part of decentralized cooperation programs. Discussions focused on the challenges of water access, quality and treatment, as well as the degradation of watersheds and the lack of infrastructure. 

The meeting was an opportunity for Agrisud to showcase its expertise in IWRM, developed over the last ten years as part of the Eaurizon Program, a decentralized cooperation initiative between the Haute Matsiatra Region and the Metropole de Lyon. This initiative aims to sustainably improve living conditions by developing water services while preserving natural resources.

Table ronde - région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Integrated Water Resource Management for resilience in Haute-Matsiatra 

Odom Botoela, project manager at Agrisud came all the way from Madagascar to present the IWRM project he has been coordinating since activities began in 2014. He shared the methodology implemented and concrete examples of activities carried out.  

The IWRM project reconciles water and food security through a three-pillar approach :  

  • Preserving water resources 

  • Strengthening local stakeholders

  • Developing sustainable agriculture 

Our actions are designed to achieve this, taking into account the specific characteristics of each region and the interests of all stakeholders. Odom also stresses that consultation is one of the key factors in the success of the project, in order to find solutions that best reflect local realities. 



Yves-Georges Randrianirina, Mayor of Ambalavao, testifies to the concrete results: « Thanks to Agrisud's support, we have reduced conflicts of use and learned how to better manage the Soarano watershed. This know-how is vital for us, as the basin provides around 50% of our city's water resources. »

In his municipality, the actions undertaken have strengthened the commitment of local stakeholders to preserving water resources and developed the skills of municipal employees, as well as those of state technical service agents. These initiatives have improved agricultural productivity, protected landscapes, reduced soil erosion and promoted CO2 sequestration. 

Ousmane Hane, Director of the Agence de valorisation du fleuve Gambie and an expert in water management, concluded the round table with a summary highlighting the importance of capitalizing on these local experiences to encourage their implementation on a national scale, while insisting on the crucial need for sustainable financing. He also shared his thoughts on the development of IWRM in Madagascar, drawing on his experience in West Africa. 

(1) INBO: International Network of Basin Organizations


Find out more about the IWRM project

Find out more about the Eaurizon program 

Watch our upcoming video series on IWRM in the Haute-Matsiatra region