Publié le : 04-11-2024
Type : Projet
On September 26, Decathlon Morocco employees visited the site of the “Solidarités Maroc ”* project they support, implemented in the province of Al Haouz. Welcomed by Agrisud and the Norsys Foundation, the project operators, as well as by the families, they were able to observe the progress of agricultural recovery activities, take part in tasks with the farmers and discuss the concrete impact of their support.
Meeting in the field to exchange ideas
The day-long meeting began with a presentation of the post-earthquake agricultural recovery project. Imane Taaime, Director of the Norsys Foundation, recalled the consequences of the earthquake and the objectives of the project. She gave an update on the project's achievements and presented the next steps to be taken. Sara Escayd, project coordinator, detailed the methodology for training and supporting families, over and above material support.
The farmers present also talked about the difficulties they face, the support they have received and the changes in their daily lives since the project began. A visit to the plots provided an opportunity for more in-depth discussions.

In the second half of the day, Decathlon employees took part in the reconstruction of a low terrace wall, an essential structure for stabilizing the plots. They also took part in the apple harvest, a symbolic moment that testifies to the gradual resumption of agricultural activities in the region.
“Decathlon Morocco employees realized the immensity of the task of rebuilding agricultural earthworks. By participating in the repair of a low wall, they were able to appreciate the physical difficulty of the work, but also the determination of the farmers to patiently rebuild their land,” said Imane Taaime, Director of the Norsys Foundation.

This immersion in the realities of farming helped us to better understand the needs of the families, while creating a spirit of collaboration and solidarity. The direct exchanges enabled Decathlon Morocco employees to gather sincere testimonials on the positive impact of the actions carried out, thus confirming the effectiveness of the project.