• Publié le : 14-04-2024

  • Type : Projet

Based on 30 years of experience and thanks to the confidence of its partners, including the Agence Française de Développement, Agrisud aims to go beyond supporting small businesses and agricultural sectors, to have a wider impact on the territories.

The latest activity report announces this ambition prepared for 2023.

Faithful to its mission “Entrepreneurship against poverty” Agrisud continued its action in 2023, illustrated with some key figures:

  • 38 projects in 14 countries
  • €4 million committed
  • 16,927 family farming enterprises supported
  • 84,635 people lifted out of poverty
  • €77 million of sales revenue generated*…

All this in a context that is still disrupted by climatic hazards or political crises.

“Local roots, entrepreneurial dynamics and agro-ecological practices prove to be the best defenses to face current upheavals. A confirmation if any were needed of the relevance of Agrisud’s action” underlines Joël Lebreton, Chairman of Agrisud.

But 2023 is also a year of transition for Agrisud, which has worked with its partners to strengthen and implement from 2024:

  1. projects on demonstrative territorial, local or regional scales;
  2. multi-actor projects, in response to the numerous environmental and socio-economic challenges faced by the most vulnerable populations;
  3. projects that encourage the sharing of knowledge and know-how to amplify our actions for the benefit of a greater number of people.

With renewed ambition and solid partnerships, the course is set!

*by the 16,927 family farming enterprises supported in 2023

To find out more, read our activity report. You will find :

  • All the key figures of the year
  • Testimonies from people supported and our partners
  • New features on the “Transfer of knowledge and know-how” pages
  • New projects and much more...


Discover the 2023 annual report in English

Découvrez le rapport d'activité en français