Publié le : 28-06-2024
Type : Projet
Launched in January 2024, the Food-producing agriculture Abidjan-Lagunes project aims to contribute to food security and the sustainable development of rural populations in the Autonomous District of Abidjan and the Lagunes district. It is led by Agrisud International, in partnership with Agronomists & Veterinarians Without Borders (AVWB), People Power Inclusion (PPI), and co-financed by the European Union.
The project follows on from and complements PROFIT, which has already demonstrated positive results in the Abidjan district.
Background to the AVAL project
Implemented since 2021 as part of the AGRITER program, the PROFIT (Promotion of territorialized agricultural sectors) project, co-financed by french development agency (FDA), aims to promote sustainable family farming on the outskirts of Abidjan.
It is part of a territorial approach designed to support small family farms in their agro-ecological transition, boost the performance of cassava attiéké processing units and develop local know-how.
After three years of implementation, the results are encouraging : 2 territories have been supported in their agro-ecological transition, 182 agricultural VSEs (Very Small Enterprises) have been helped to improve their cassava and vegetable production, and over 400 young people have been trained and made aware of sustainable agriculture issues.
Find out more about the PROFIT project
From 2023, Agrisud will be joining forces with Agronomists & Veterinarians Without Borders (AVWB) and People Power Inclusion (PPI) to expand PROFIT's scope of intervention with the Food-producing agriculture project.
A new project to scale up
To extend these actions to other farms, Agrisud launched the Food-producing agriculture Abidjan-Lagunes project, with financial support from the European Union. The project's ambition is to impact 4 regions, 25 villages and support 1,200 direct beneficiaries.
To better respond to certain constraints, such as the weakness of producer organizations, access to markets and financing, Agrisud has joined forces with AVWB and PPI. This collaboration aims to structure farmers' organizations, facilitate the marketing of their products and promote financial inclusion, particularly for women and young people.

Results expected in 3 years (2024-2027)
The target figures reflect the project's ambition and commitment to supporting the development of small-scale farming. Ultimately, 1,000 small-scale farmers will be supported in their development; 200 small-scale attiéké production units, all run by women, will receive support to improve their production processes, management and access to markets. The project will also strengthen 10 semi-industrial attiéké production units, generating over 200 jobs. These units will increase attiéké processing and marketing capacity.
Local authorities and community representatives have fully grasped the scope and stakes of the project, demonstrating a keen interest in its deployment.