• Publié le : 27-06-2024

  • Type : Projet

To mark World Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Day, Agrisud International and the Fonds Pierre Castel, two organisations based in Nouvelle-Aquitaine in France, would like to inform the public about the crucial role played by very small agricultural enterprises.

Entrepreneurship, a lever for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

"MSMEs account for 90% of businesses, 60-70% of jobs and 50% of GDP worldwide"1.

These figures highlight their global economic importance, an observation that takes on an even more significant dimension in the agricultural and food sector. In this area, MSMEs play a crucial role in supporting local and national economies, creating jobs (SDG 8), guaranteeing food security (SDG 2 and SDG 12) and fighting the effects of climate change (SDG 13).

In Africa, small-scale farming and agri-food businesses play a central role. They account for 80% of farms in sub-Saharan Africa and provide jobs for more than 175 million people.

Among them, young entrepreneurs are key players in the transformation and modernisation of the sector. Their dynamism, capacity for innovation and commitment position them as leaders for the future of agriculture on the continent.

In response to the urgent need to tackle climate change, "agripreneurs" are adopting sustainable farming practices, such as agro-ecology, to optimise production and minimise environmental impact. They also contribute to the development of local, responsible supply chains to provide healthy food for local populations.

Sustainable means of action

Agrisud International, a small NGO with a big cause, fights poverty by creating or supporting very small agricultural enterprises (VSEs) in their agro-ecological transition. Every year, almost 17,000 VSEs are supported, and over 80% are still viable after 3 years. By 2023, this will represent €77 million in sales, 25,000 jobs created or preserved and 85,000 people lifted out of insecurity.

The effectiveness of Agrisud's action is based on its agricultural, economic and social approach, and on the professional development programme it puts in place for male and female farmers. In this way, they acquire the ability to manage their activities autonomously and sustainably and ensure food security for their families.

The Pierre Castel Funds supports innovative agricultural and agri-food initiatives led by young entrepreneurs and public interest organisations working on the African continent. The Pierre Castel Prize is one of its flagship support initiatives dedicated to young entrepreneurs.

Every year, this pan-African competition rewards promising agricultural entrepreneurs. The businesses selected and supported are chosen for their resilience, their ability to preserve and develop resources, to promote the empowerment of young people and women and to contribute to the sustainable development of food systems and regions.

In 2023, 36 entrepreneurs were supported, joining a community of more than 150 talents monitored since 2018. They have benefited from €150,000 in funding, coaching and mentoring programmes to encourage the growth of their businesses and support the creation of value. €60,000 has been used to finance actions on the ground in Africa.

The two organisations are calling for a collective effort to support very small agricultural businesses in Africa. By supporting the development of these businesses, we are investing in a sustainable future for the African continent.


Sources :

1- Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Day | United Nations

2- Part 1, chapter 2: Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: Prospects and challenges for the coming decade (fao.org)