Publié le : 09-09-2022
Type : Projet
On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, Agrisud organized an educational tour on August 26th with its partner, the Hoang Lien National Park Office (PNHL) in Vietnam.
The French Development Agency, the New Aquitaine Region, the technical departments of the PNHL - which support agricultural development in the Park - as well as local authorities and tourism stakeholders were present.
An original way to discover the IDEAS project...
An immersive visit
For half a day, visitors were guided through several villages involved with the IDEAS project. At each stage, they were able to meet producers on their farms, see the different activities developed on the basis of agro-ecology and see the results and positive changes obtained over the past 5 years.
« With the IDEAS project, we are trained in new practices. We now use bio-fertilizers and it is really useful and effective. We are grateful to be able to learn and apply these methods. » Ms. Chanh, market gardener.
During the eductour, visitors were also able to take part in culinary preparation activities and tasting traditional dishes made with local products.
Actions to develop sustainable agricultural systems
The communities living in and around the PNHL are faced with many difficulties such as the lack of exploitable land, climatic risks and the difficulty of selling their products on local markets.
Since 2017, as part of decentralized cooperation between the Province of Lao Caï and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, Agrisud has been supporting these communities to improve and secure their activities: training in agro-ecological practices, agro-processing, organization into a cooperative for facilitate sales...
In figures, this represents:
- 500 family farms supported in the diversification and development of their activities
- 1 agricultural cooperative to facilitate, among other things, the sale of products
- populations made aware of sustainable and inclusive development in the territory of the PNHL